Human Resources - An Introduction

Firstly, I’d like to thank everyone for taking time out to take a tour of Conscript’s Company Website and for reading my article.


In my entire career span of 16 years, I have worked closely with some of the Best HR Heads and Managers who’ve always been ahead in their game to hire that “perfect” resource required for their organization’s growth and development.

It’s been amazing to see how the Work Processes, Tools, Hiring Strategies and Technologies have enhanced and changed over the years and it still amazes me.

However, what remains at the core of all these mind-boggling processes is the fact that we are infact, hiring, Human Resources.

And Humans, by their very definition, are complex thinking beings designed to make all things bright and beautiful.


I am not going to give you dictionary-filled definitions of what Human Resources means however simply going to take you through my understanding of HR and what goes beyond hiring that Perfect Candidate for the Perfect Job.


The HR team in any organization has, is and maybe always will be considered to be “Expense-creators” for the mere fact that there is no direct way of Revenue Generation essentially required to run an organization.

But, the fact always remains the Human Resources Team IS the back-bone of any Strong Functioning Organization.

We may have the latest technology and streamlined processes that makes work error-free however what we must acknowledge more importantly is that Hiring can be pretty subjective to a lot of factors.

The most common mistake made by hiring managers currently is trying to hire the “perfect CV”.

Well, nothing wrong in that, after all requisites like Qualification, Relevant Work Experience and Excellent References are important to decide hiring the Right Candidate.

However, what we overlook, more often than not, is to understand the Emotional Quotient of the Candidate.

Their Personality Trait, Preferences, Relationship with Family and Friends is equally important to understand especially if you are hiring them for a critical, high-pressure role.

I can tell that from experience because we at Conscript believe that we help Clients hire “the perfect candidate” and not the perfect CV and that is what has helped us build a great relationship with our Clients close to a decade now.

I hope this helps you too!


Signing off,

Harjeet Singh Sandhu


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